My first trip to Chicago...a new window! The Ntl. Museum of Mexican Art is located in a familar neighborhood...looked like a cross between Echo Park, Boyle Heights, Silverlake, Highland Park...I was able to use my Spanish to get directions to the museum. Congenial artists and their families.
The curator Dolores Mercado was welcoming. Also, Diane Gamboa's friend from Stanford, Yvonne Bejarano was at the show. (The world is a small place).
My previous neighbors in LA, Hemmant, Lana, and Leyla took care of me on opening night. Picked me up at my hotel and introduced me to Chicago's "Chinatown". Hemmant new his way around a Tawianeese menu.
Kismet...my brother Bob Ramirez was in town from Tucson on business and he saw the show on Sunday...