Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yarn Bombing LA-Good Luck Gallery

Yarn Bombing Los Angeles TAKES OVER!
Good Luck Gallery
July 12-26, 2014
945 Chung King Rd 
Chinatown-Los Angeles, CA 90012

213-625-0935 (Paige Wery)

Julie Kornblum (Table and Chair)

Yarn bombing in a protective environment at Good Luck Gallery in Chinatown.  A creative way to "cuddle puddle" or what the Baby-Boomers called a "love-in".  This show is encouraging for artists that are not only working with mixed-media but that incorporate materials used in "domestic arts"-home craft works.  

Yarn bombing has been considered a form of graffiti but instead of the aggressiveness that is associated with leaving your mark on private property, it infiltrates in a soft, gentle, familial way. 
It is a "Make Love Not War" - "Non-Violent" form of protest. And still embraces the human need to be he heard.

Amy Inouye (Mushrooms)

Family unifying for project-Luv/Peace

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Velvet Marshall- Merced Fields

Velvet Marshall

3rd Annual California 101 Art Exhibition

Redondo Beach Arts and Redondo Beach Art Group
Pier Plaza Galleries
Redondo Beach Pier, California

Artist Velvet Marshall's painting entitled "Merced Fields" was featured at the exhibition June 20-29, 2014. (contact Ms. Marshall:

Velvet Marshall & her painting "Merced Fields" (oil & tar on canvas, 25"x 19")

Marshall's "good luck shoes"- bon chance!

Lisa Adams-In the Land of Entropic Beauty

Lisa Adams
In the Land of Entropic Beauty
June 15-July 20, 2014

CB-1 Gallery
207 W. 5th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Deus Ex Machina, 2014
Oil on canvas over panel 48"x 72"

Adam's continues to strip away images from the canvas as she continues to simplify her life with her art.  Her thesis-her vision becomes more evident in works such as, Deus Ex Machina 2014.
What appears as a planet and a bunker fueled by a yellow fan belt, expresses Adams need to keep moving and maintain viability with the aid of her paintings.  

Adams' paintings appear as  declarations of a tragic aftermath.  However, looking at these paintings in terms of time minimizes what they represent. Adams' daily dose of "YouTube" videos streaming from the secretive nation of North Korea, affirm history maintaining the status quo that are portrayed in her paintings. 

During our phone interview Adams expressed the of power to think and form ideas,  as profound blessings. Whether Adams paintings are channeled prophecies or the interpretation of life as it is, they define the artist's diligent drive to express ideas.  

Fast, Cheap and Out of Control (EM) 2013
oil on canvas over panel 48"x 40"

Portentous Rhapsody, 2013
oil on panel, 40"x 48"